Current Lab Openings

 The Cai Lab welcomes innovative and motivated individuals !

Current Openings


Postdoctoral fellows

A postdoctoral fellow position is currently available to study

neural lineage differentiation and the roles of lineage-dependent

assembly of microcircuits in mouse brain. 


Graduate students

Rotation positions are available.


Undergraduate students

Undergraduate research and work-study positions are available.  The lab's UROP projects can be found here.  If interested, apply at 

Please send your CV and references to

Dawen Cai, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Cell and Developmental Biology


Neuroscience Graduate Program

B25-1688 NCRC (office) Office: 734-764-2017

B25-1661 NCRC (lab)            Lab: 734-763-7336

2800 Plymouth Road

Ann Arbor, MI 48109